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Past Events

Britain, the EU and the Rest of the World: A Reality Check

The University of Guyana believed that it should be driving an informed discussion on Brexit and decided to invite a distinguished and knowledgable panel to address the topic: "Britain, the EU, and the Rest of the World: A Reality Check."


The playlist below is based on the issue of Brexit. For those unaware, the people of Britain (England, Scotland, Wales) voted for a British exit, or Brexit, from the EU in a historic referendum on Thursday June 24, 2016 at exactly 06:00 BST. This Turkeyen Talks seeks to understand, "What is Brexit all about?" and "What are three implications for business/nation/region or for relations with the rest of the world?"


Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs of the

Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Honorable Carl Greenidge

Honorable Carl Greenidge has extensive experience at the policy, management and technical levels and has worked on public sector economics and agricultural policies as well as international trade and finance. He has provided distinguished service to his country, the Caribbean and the African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) Group of States. That service has been in the design and management of Guyana’s Economic Recovery Programme (1988-1992) and the negotiation of the unique north-south cooperation pact, the Lomé Convention, inter alia.

Mr. Greenidge has also published four monographs, numerous academic articles on economics, and contributed to books on a variety of issues, including the political economy of agricultural modernisation, international agricultural trade negotiations and marine fisheries. He has been Co-President of the Joint Council of Ministers of the European Union and the ACP States.

Assistant Secretary-General, Directorate for Foreign and Community Relations, CARICOM

Ambassador Colin Granderson

A career diplomat in the Foreign Service of Trinidad and Tobago who attained the rank of Ambassador, Colin Granderson is presently serving as the Assistant Secretary-General, Foreign and Community Relations, at the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat.

In addition to his national and regional public service, he has served internationally, heading a joint OAS/UN human rights observation mission in Haiti; serving on a UN Advisory Panel on peace operations; and chairing a UN International Commission of Inquiry into human rights violations in Côte d’Ivoire.

He has also headed election observation missions in the Region for the OAS and CARICOM. Experienced in mediation and conflict resolution, he played a key advisory role in the CARICOM mediation efforts in early 2004 to broker a negotiated settlement to the political impasse between the Haitian government and the opposition.

British High Commissioner

to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana

Greg Quinn

Mr. Greg Quinn was appointed British High Commissioner to the Co-operative Republic of Guyana in succession to Mr Andrew Ayre in March 2015. Greg joined the FCO in 1995 and has served overseas in Tallinn, Accra, Minsk, Baghdad, Kazakhstan and Washington. He graduated with a Degree in International Politics and International History from the University of Wales in Aberystwyth and is married to Wendy.

CEO Caribbean Containers Inc. and

Chairperson GO- Invest

Patricia Bacchus

An Attorney-at-Law by Training, Ms. Patricia Bacchus is the CEO of Caribbean Container Inc. (formerly SAPIL). She also serves as the Chairperson of GO-Invest. Ms. Bacchus offers a blend of expertise in Executive Administration and Operational Management combined with a strong bias for legal and systems compliance as well as corporate governance best practices. She is a skilled negotiator and solution oriented professional, particularly in the areas of dispute resolution and risk mitigation.

The Tenth Vice Chancellor

Professor Ivelaw lloyd Griffith

Professor Ivelaw Lloyd Griffith is the Tenth Vice Chancellor and Principal of The University of Guyana. Earlier, he served as Executive in Residence at The University at Albany, State University of New York, and the Ninth President of Fort Valley State University in Georgia.

An expert on Caribbean and hemispheric security, drugs and crime, he originated the concept called Geonarcotics in the early 1990s as a way to study the complex relationship involving drugs, geography, power and politics, outlining it first in Canada’s leading international affairs scholarly magazine: “From Cold War Geopolitics to Post-Cold War Geonarcotics,” International Journal Vol. 49 (Winter) 1993-94, 1-36. Most recently he wrote The United States and the Caribbean 30 years after the Grenada Invasion: Dynamics of Geopolitics and Geonarcotics for the Perry Center. In the higher education arena, his expertise includes land-grant university operations, international educational collaboration, and recruitment and retention strategies.

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics,

University of Guyana

Dr. Thomas Singh

Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of Economics, University of Guyana, Dr. Thomas Singh, was awarded a Commonwealth Academic Fellowship in 2012 to continue research on Culture, Institutions and Economic Behaviour at the University of Kent (UK). Areas of expertise include the economics of trust, experimental and behavioural economics, new institutional economics; as well as environmental and natural resource economics, climate change, climate financing, and low carbon economy issues. He has a PhD in Economics (Dissertation: “To Trust or Not to Trust Others: Norms, Interactions and Institutions”)and is the President of the Epilepsy Foundation of Guyana.

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